Family sauna: planning, building, exploitation. Webinar
Date: 2020-05-07, 21:00
Organizer : Lithuanian Bath Academy
Lockdown situation brought us back home. Public saunas are closed in most countries, so, many sauna lovers started to consider having their own private or family saunas. Having possibility to use your sauna as often, as you want and the way you like, can bring you a lot of benefits. First, sauna helps you to strengthen immune system (it seems, it becomes very important nowadays…), helps to maintain your physical and emotional health. Also, it is perfect way to relax, your “personal home SPA”. Finally, it could become a space for meeting your closest friends, family members. So, we can say, this is the time, when sauna comes back to our home, becomes more intimated, as it always was.
Planing starts from nostalgy to old sauna...
Planning and building family sauna could become a great adventure, but first of all, it is a big challenge, bringing a lot of questions. What, where, how… end even why? Is family sauna different from public one? Can it be used for commercial purposes? How to meet different needs of ones`s family members? And a lot of other questions…
This seminar calls for people, who are planning to build their own saunas or have them already, yet look for ideas and inspirations. It can be beneficial for everyone interested in healthy and pleasant bathing. Attending this workshop will bring you possibility to participate in our other trainings and workshops.
Themes and topics presented in this workshop:
- Principles of healthy bathing and factors of good sauna
- Important questions for yourself: what sauna I want?
- Choosing the place
- Materials and construction
- Types of stoves (electric, permanent heated, periodical heated, smoke)
- Microclimate and ventilation
- Water, canalization, shower, WC
- Functional zones
- Benches
- Possibility of different procedures and treatments
- Men and women in sauna
- Sauna heating and cleaning
We use GoToMeeting platform for this event, so, you can ask, discuss or share your experience. Registrated participants will have possibility to send their questions in advance.
Theme covered
Steam bath basics
Theoretical theme. Contens:
- Definition of steam bath
- Purpose of bath procedure
- Body reaction to heat
- Quality factors of healthy bath
- Correct heating and cooling
- Safe behaviour in sauna
- Eating and drinking in bath
- Most comon mistakes
This theme belongs to Healthy steam bath ABC seminar and opens the whole course of bath mastership studies.
Presented by
Rimas Kavaliauskas - Lithuanian bath master, whisking master, photographer
Birutė Masiliauskienė - Lithuanian bath master, story teller and poet
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