
Group bathing rituals

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This is the last step in professional bath master education. When a student knows how to solve problems of individual bathing time comes to lead small and big groups of people in sauna. This may happen at any time when a number of sauna quests exeeds the number of people that can be treated individaly. This level consists of two intensive days. It also a final step of bath master`s professional education. Upon finishing this level, student can be assigned with „Professional master of threditional steam bath“ qualification, provided he has his skills approved.

Day One. Group bathing procedure

When a student knows how to solve problems of individual bathing time comes to lead small and big groups of people in sauna. This may happen at any time when a number of sauna quests exeeds the number of people that can be treated individaly.  To master the group bathing a student should get into:

  • Roles of bath master. Structure of group process. Clients expectations. Challenges of group processes.
  • Grounding. Attentions control and concentration. Basic meditation techniques.
  • Grounding. Attentions control and concentration. Basic meditation techniques.
  • Heating feet. Use of water. Collective cosmetic procedures. Hot room games.
  • Whisk faning. Halotherapy. Aromtherapy.
  • Couching of group self-whisking. Group whisking.

Day Two. Ritual sauna

  • Ritual meaning and structure. Occational and ritual bathing.
  • Sweat bathing through ages. Bathing traditions of the World. Lithuanian pirtis.
  • Types of rituals. Preparation for ritual. Intention. Selection of procedures. Synthesis of bath rituals.

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