Basis of healty pirtis
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This is intensive introductory course of healthy sauna basics and introduction to whisking. It is targeted to zero-experience users but also suites very well for the need of more prominent sauna goer.
Atmosphere suring seminars can be relaxing. After all this is pirtis - a place to return to yourself..
It consists of two intensive one day trainings, or seminars:
Introductory evening. Steam bath ABC
This is will be the first day of your journey to heathy steam bathing. You will be acquainted with essential details of Lithianian pirtis (traditional steam bath - sauna). You will not only watch interesting presentation and will receive a number of advices, but also participate in real gentle and healthy sweat bath ritual. We are sure this experience will change your bathing taste and unveil new ways of perception. Read more.
Day one. Introduction to sauna bodywork
Day two. Holistic whisking
This is the second day of our course - finishing Basics of healthy sauna studies level. You will get acquainted with body work in hot sauna room contitions.
- Health effects. Heart. Muscles. Joints. Blood and lymph circulation. Nervous system. Precautions and contraindications.
- Use of plants ir sauna. Preparation of herbal remedies.
- Whisking description. Whisking types, purpose and benefits.
- What is a good whisk? Types of the whisks. Tiding. Soaking.
Dry demonstration and tryout of basic whisking strokes. Individual whisking training sessions in sauna. Steaming. Light techniques. Ergonomics.
We concentrate mainly on practical skills during the practical workshops and have very little theory. However, some broader understanding is needed for sustainable work in your sauna. That is why we offer complementary presentations of instrumental bathing ideas, plants in a sauna, and maintenance. These workshops are primarily organized online for your convenience.
The final list of all themes that are required for full practical and theoretical completion of the 1st level of Bath mastershi courses is here:
Steam bath basics
- Whisking techniques
- Bodywork of the back
- Self whisking
- Holistic whisking
- Healthy steam bath procedure
Upon finishing this level, student is assigned with „Gourmand of healthy steam bath“ qualification. This level is also required to succesfully continue the studies of bath mastership.
Themes covered
Our studies always consist of themes. Please read the full list of themes. During this first day we will cover these practical themes:
Laura Foon (Finland-Grean Britain)
The first day of the course was a very soft introduction to the Lithuanian pirtis.
The day was very practical and full of experience. This practical way was a great approach as without experience there is no way to understand. I was expecting whisking and that we did get! Introduction to self-whisking was deep and gave a lot to think about and to apply to use but the surprise was the multiple small notions like how the bathmaster uses air, water and salt to adjust the experience and facilitate the different types of participants. I am curious about the rest of the course, hope to continue soon.
このコースは、蒸し風呂への旅の初日となります。リトアニアのピルティス(伝統的な蒸し風呂-サウナ)の本質的な詳細を学びます。興味深いプレゼンテーションを見たり、様々なアドバイスを受けるだけでなく、実際に優しく健康的な汗をかく入浴の儀式に参加します。この体験はきっとあなたの入浴の好みを変え、新しい感覚を発見することでしょう。 もっと読む.
- 健康への影響。心臓。筋肉。関節。血液およびリンパ循環。神経系。注意事項および禁忌。
- 植物irサウナの使用。ハーブ療法の準備。
- 泡立て器の説明。泡立て器の種類、目的、効果
- 良い泡立て器とは?泡立て器の種類タイディング浸す。
Steam bath basics
- Whisking techniques
- Bodywork of the back
- Self whisking
- Holistic whisking
- Healthy steam bath procedure
コースの初日は、リトアニアのピルティスをとてもソフトに紹介するものだった。 この日はとても実践的で、体験に満ちたものだった。この実践的な方法は、経験なしでは理解できないので、素晴らしいアプローチだった。私は泡立てを期待していたのですが、実際に泡立てを体験することができました!しかし、驚いたのは、バスマスターが空気、水、塩をどのように使って体験を調整し、さまざまなタイプの参加者に対応するかというような、複数の小さな概念でした。 コースの続きが気になります。
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