
Creative sauna guide

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Dear Sauna Owners and Wellness Enthusiasts, are pleased to present an exceptional opportunity for those dedicated to elevating their expertise in providing commercial services of sauna and steam bathing. Our ground program is designed to enhance your knowledge and skills, offering a unique immersion into the world of sauna operation and traditional steam bathing practices. This exclusive offer is tailored for sauna owners, operators, and hosts who are committed to providing superior experiences for their clients.

Dive into the World of Lithuanian Steam Bathing

Imagine spending 2-3 unforgettable days immersed in the rich traditions of Lithuanian steam bathing houses. This isn't just any ordinary sauna experience – it's a masterclass in the art of creating the creative sweat session! Here's what's on the steamy agenda:

Microclimate Mastery: Learn to tweak temperature, humidity, and airflow. Your guests will think you've got a magic wand!
Stove Savvy: From wood-fired to electric, we'll show you how to handle different types of stoves. You'll be stoking those fires (literally and figuratively) in no time.
Healthy Bathing 101: Discover the secrets of a truly beneficial sweat. Your body will thank you, and your guests will keep coming back for more.
DIY Natural Treatments: Get your hands dirty (in a good way) creating organic scrubs, masks, and other goodies. Mother Nature's got nothing on you!
Group Guidance: Learn to lead simple self-care sessions that'll have your guests feeling zen and rejuvenated.

But wait, there's more! You'll get to explore a some of authentic Lithuanian steam bathing houses, soaking up centuries of wisdom and maybe a few trade secrets along the way. It's like a backstage pass to the sauna world! So, whether you're a seasoned sauna owner, a passionate operator, or a host looking to up your game, this is your chance to steam ahead of the competition. Don't let this hot opportunity slip through your fingers!





  1. マイクロクライメート・マスタリー:温度、湿度、空気の流れを調整する方法を学びましょう。ゲストはあなたが魔法の杖を持っていると思うでしょう!
  2. ストーブに精通:薪ストーブから電気ストーブまで、さまざまなタイプのストーブの扱い方をお教えします。薪ストーブから電気ストーブまで、様々なタイプのストーブの扱い方をご紹介します。
  3. 健康的な入浴101:真に有益な汗の秘密を発見しましょう。あなたの体はあなたに感謝し、ゲストは何度も足を運ぶことでしょう。
  4. ナチュラル・トリートメント:オーガニックのスクラブやマスク、その他のグッズを、いい意味で手を汚して作ってみましょう。母なる自然には敵いません!
  5. グループ指導:シンプルなセルフケアセッションを指導することで、ゲストが禅の気分で若返ります。

But wait, there's more! You'll get to explore a some of authentic Lithuanian steam bathing houses, soaking up centuries of wisdom and maybe a few trade secrets along the way. It's like a backstage pass to the sauna world! So, whether you're a seasoned sauna owner, a passionate operator, or a host looking to up your game, this is your chance to steam ahead of the competition. Don't let this hot opportunity slip through your fingers!


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