Learning guidelines
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Important to know
- After you participated in the seminar and your participation is approved by us (usualy this is your trainer who does the approval) - you will receive a formal e-mail.
- Also the last seminar if which you partuicipated is listed at the „Latest activity“ subpage in your Activity zone.
- You will find the link QUIZ, which will innitiate the creation for your knowledge test.
- You can then answer the quiz questions durinh 24 hours, taking brakes if you want in order to think about the questions.
- You will automatically have the theme approved if you receive 60% or higer mark.
Your list of themes
The link „Registrations“ will take you to the subpage where you will always find a full list of educational themes and symbols showing their crediting and your progress.
You can access theme desctiption with educationbal videos ir also quizes and their results here.
List of your themes
Students activity zone
When you login to our page you will be directed to „Activity zone“ where under Registrations section you will find ALL registration offers available to you.
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