Sweat Bath ABC

Date: 2021-05-24, 22:00
Organizer : Lithuanian Bath Academy
Welcome to traditional sweat bath! In Lithuania we call it pirtis. Bathing in pirtis is really very old and popular tradition, it is worth to be introduced and shared with the whole world.
International Bath Academy will help you to make your first step to understanding the seven secrets of healthy Lithuanian pirtis.
There is no perfect job without deap knowledge. That is why we want you to grasp and remember basic steam bathing rules and principles. Live and dynamic presentation illustrated by photos, graphic and illustrations, covering all major aspects of sauna bathing. Information is presented in the form of discussion, there is no paper reading.
Participation in theoretical workshop is usually an introduction before going to the hotroom and trying everything practicaly. But... This time we will follow other lines making it available to those in home lockout. It is great possibility to try something new, reach new people, and give new ideas and inspirations to them.
Traditional Lithuanian pirtis (sweat bath).
Content of the seminar
- Definition of steam bath
- Purpose of bath procedure
- Body reaction to heat
- Quality factors of healthy bath
- Correct heating and cooling
- Safe behaviour in sauna
- Eating and drinking in bath
- Most comon mistakes
This workshop is the first of 6 theoretical seminars of Family Bath Masters course. Unfortunatly, having no possibility of traveling, we cant offer practical part of this training, which is necessary in getting reall experience and skills. But we hope, it wont last long, and we'll offer possibility of practical workshops as soon as possible.
Information about the scedule of other worksops is comming soon! Registrated users of the webpage will get invitations to their e-mails.
Start time
We start 10PM Vilnius time EEST (UTC +3).
Themes covered
We will tell you about the:
Theme covered
Steam bath basics
Theoretical theme. Contens:
- Definition of steam bath
- Purpose of bath procedure
- Body reaction to heat
- Quality factors of healthy bath
- Correct heating and cooling
- Safe behaviour in sauna
- Eating and drinking in bath
- Most comon mistakes
This theme belongs to Healthy steam bath ABC seminar and opens the whole course of bath mastership studies.
Presented by
Rimas Kavaliauskas - Lithuanian bath master, whisking master, photographer
Birutė Masiliauskienė - Lithuanian bath master, story teller and poet
Participant feedbacks
I really enjoyed it and loved the discovery of experiencing sauna with regard to the four seasons. It makes so much sense now.
The four seasons being in alignment with the sauna "journey."
Merits and challenges of elements. I became to associate rituals procedures more with elements ( fire, water, air, earth).
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