
Sauna Aid host training

Date: 2025-12-31
Organizer : Lithuanian Bath Academy


46 persons participating. 54 places left. Registration

What is Sauna Aid Program?

This program is designed to support people, who just faced extremal situations, disasters or big loses, such as war, natural or technical catastrophes, or traumatizing personal situations. Bath hosts, offering the Sauna Aid support, are specially trained to work with people, who recently had traumatizing experience.
This program is designed as quick help in emergency situation, but it is NOT healing and DOESN’T offer long term support.

Sauna aid
Bath training. Associative photo.

Where and when can the program be offered?

1. Mobile or stationary saunas in refugees’ camps or other places with big concentration of people, who meets the criteria of the Sauna Aid situation.
2. Stationary saunas, close to the places, where people, who need help, are moved just after the traumatizing event.

The Sauna Aid service can be offered immediately, when the need arises, and people, who get the service, are in a physically and emotionally safe place or as a tool of rehabilitation, but not longer than 1 month after the start of integration or rehabilitation process.

Who can offer the Sauna Aid service?

This service can be offered by professionals or non-professionals, who:

  1. Have experience and technical skills to operate the sauna and can guarantee physically and emotionally safe bathing process.
  2. Has completed our training program, approved by International Sauna Association.
  3. Agrees and adheres to ethical principles of the Sauna Aid.

What can a client expect from the Sauna Aid program?

The program can be provided in different technical situations by different masters of different bathing traditions. Depending on particular situation, it can be group or one-to-one treatments, can take longer or shorter time. In any case it should include:

  1. Body-friendly and bio-resonant warming up
  2. Safe and supporting emotional space
  3. Attention and respect to your personal needs

Theme covered

  • Sauna aid host

    Sauna Aid program is NOT a professional bathmasters training. It is similar to the First Aid or First Psychological Aid program. The more sauna people will be involved, the wider network we will have. Also, you can use the principles of the Sauna Aid in your personal work, combining with other sauna skills.

    If you want to go deeper… Well… We believe, sauna is an ancient tradition, a survival skill, underestimated in the modern world. There are a lot of things to share. Contact us for the deeper journey!


The training is free with the discount code SaunaAid-15.


Anyone that has minimum sauna knowledge and willing to use for helping emotionaly inflicted people can register.


How can you become a Sauna Aid host?

Training is provided by International Bath Academy. You have to register yourself at this page.

Instructions step-by-step

  1. Sign-in for participating in the program here: To avoid payment use 100% discount code SAUNAAID15.
  2. You will become an online student and will be redirected to your individual study page. You will also get the confirmation e-mail with your password for the future.
  3. You will have to watch educational video and read instructions.
  4. Then you will have to have your knowledge confirmed by answering a test quize.
  5. You will pass the test provided you have the minimum score 6.00 out of max 10.00.
  6. ATTENTION: Once you have started your test you will have a good 24 hours for thinking aabout the answers and possibly returning to educational video and other sources of information.
  7. Having the test completed you will find the link to your certificate next to theme title (a green cup)
  8. Download the certificate in PDF form. You may print it out on your printer or use any printshop service.
  9. The certificate bears the unique QR code that opens the confirmation page on the client`s smartphone. This way International Bath Academy supports you and confirms the authenticity of your certificate.
  10. NOTE that we can not  guarantee the sauna for offering Sauna Aid services but we asist you in finding one. Please use the inquaery form on the page.

Registration to „Sauna Aid host training“

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  • If you are registered user, please login and register to event in your „Activity page“
  • If you are not registered user, please fill out fields bellow

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Sauna Aid host training

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Aim of Sauna aid is tohelp people who have experienced emotional shock. It is designed for war refugees but can also help to support other traunatized individuals.