
Club whisking event

Date: 2023-02-07, 17:00
Organizer : Lithuanian Bath Academy

Lithuanian sauna - pirtis
Private Lithuanian family pirtis

The Lithuanian Bath Academy is committed to invite you to the  Bath Mastership Club Pirtis Evening. You will meet with the students of Lithuanian Bath Academy and will be able to exchange whiskng services and learn from each other.

The event will take place in carefuly designed and mainteined private sauna owned by one of our educated students.

Evening program consists of:

  • group rituals
  • inducing of sweating, salt treatment
  • self whisking
  • ono-to-one whiskimg sessions
  • cold plunge outside
  • nice talk and relaxation

Presented by

The evening will be supervised and treatments offered by members of our club and supervised by Rimas Kavaliauskas.

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