Awakening the Wild Goddess

Date: 2023-05-03, 17:00
Organizer : Lithuanian Bath Academy
Early in its history, Lithuanian sweat bath - pirtis ceremonies and rituals were strong expressions of the women community which supported the life continuation. In traditional Lithuanian bathing culture, men and women were strictly separated. Men would bathe first, followed by women. They would gather inside the dimm pirtis hot room to get away the cold, to talk, and to escape from unwanted curious attention . Once everyone had left the sauna (or "Pirtis," as it's called), the wild goddesses known as Laumes would enter.
Laume was an archaic goddess of nature, earth, water, and plants, associated with work, the body, birth, fertility, and bathing. Regardless of how civilized we may be, we still carry within us a longing to return to the realm of the Great Goddess, reconnecting with our primal roots and wild nature in order to feel free and truly alive.
Mystical pirtis. Associated photo from Lithuanian Bath Academy archive
The ritual-mythological process is aimed at working with the our collective consciousness, collective myths and archetypes. In this evening we also let ourselves to go of the control into the safe space for emotions, feeling connection with the Nature, support and gratefulness for being alive.
In many cultures having sauna was seen as a transition ritual, finishing a hard period of time. We also will awake our inner wild child that is ready to laugh, play and explore the Universe.
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The evening will be supervised and treatments offered by prominent pirtis sauna artizan and master Birutė Masiliauskienė. She will be holding the space and giving sense of safety for participants.
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