
Traditional use of plants in a sweat bath

Date: 2025-02-18, 21:00
Organizer : Lithuanian Bath Academy

9 persons participating. 21 places left. Registration

The renowned webinar on Sauna Plants is back!

As you may already know from the "Laws of a Healthy Sauna" series, an authentic Northern European sauna is unimaginable without the use of plants: aromatic whisks, herbal steam infusions, medicinal teas, and a variety of botanical preparations. In Lithuanian sauna traditions, plants play a particularly vital role.
The moment you step inside, you are welcomed by the soothing aroma of dried leaf whisks.

Using whisks

Bundles of fragrant herbs hanging from the ceiling serve more than just an aesthetic purpose. Beyond these, there are also mysterious ointments, tinctures, extracts, oils, powders, and other pirtis alchemy wonders that experienced sauna masters handle with skill, creating a full sensory experience. Curious? This webinar is designed precisely to introduce you to sauna plants and their applications.

This abundance often surprises first-time visitors to a Lithuanian sauna. For newcomers, many questions arise:

  • Which plants are suitable for use in the sauna, and which should be avoided?What are the best plants for making sauna whisks?
  • What is the correct size and shape for a proper whisk?
  • How to distinguish a good whisk from an ineffective one?
  • How should whisks be prepared for use?
  • What herbal preparations can be made from plants?
  • When should different plants be harvested?
  • How can herbs be preserved for winter while maintaining their aroma and benefits?
  • Which plants should not be brought into the sauna?

The connection between Celtic and Baltic plant traditions

The use of plants in steam baths is not unique to Lithuania but has deep historical roots across Europe. The ancient Celts, much like the Balts, revered trees and herbs, believing them to be channels of healing and spiritual purification. Sacred groves and herbal remedies were central to Druidic practice, where birch, oak, and mistletoe were considered especially potent. These traditions echo the Lithuanian sauna’s use of plant-based infusions, bringing harmony between body and spirit.

As Pliny the Elder noted in Naturalis Historia:
"Medicina simplex in herbis est, quarum vis mirabilis corporum sanitatem restituit." ("The simplest medicine lies in herbs, whose wondrous power restores the health of the body.")

Why Join This Webinar?

This is a two-hour theoretical course covering the most commonly used sauna plants and their preparations, along with practical tips.
We will explore the most popular plants used in the sauna:

Deciduous Trees: Birch, Oak, Maple, Linden, Rowan, Aspen.
Coniferous Trees: Juniper, Fir, Spruce.
Herbs: Wormwood, Mugwort, Meadowsweet, Chamomile , Nettle
...and many more...

After completing this webinar, you will receive a personal knowledge assessment questionnaire, certification confirming your expertise in the topic, and access to a collection of exclusive recipes and tips that you can immediately apply in your sauna practices!

Other webinars that might be interesting to you:

Theme covered

  • Plants in steam bath

    A lot of herbal and plant remedies are used in the Lithuanian sauna. Not only whisks but different herbal teas, infusions, scents, cosmetic masks. As soon as the pirtis door is opened, the pleasant aroma of plants gives off. There are bouquets of fragrant herbs in the ceiling, not just for the sake of beauty. And where are all the mysterious ointments, infusions, extracts, oils, powders, and other mysterious things that alchemists often juggle with bottles as experienced bathers, creating a whole bouquet of bath sensations ...

    Curious? This is our aim - get you acquainted with plants, herbal bath tools. This is a 2 hour theoretical course where we will discuss the most commonly used plants in the bath and the products made from them, as well as practical tips.

    This theme has additional information available only to logged in users.

Presented by

Birute Masiliauskiene, Lithuanian Bath Master
Birute Masiliauskiene, Lithuanian Bath Master

Who can participate

Registration in open.


24€ -early registration price untit February 7th. Later the price will increase.


For new attendees registration is right on this page. For registered readers and students of previous courses the registration link is provided in their „student activity zone“ - please login to access.

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